Cyprus Permanent Residence

Cyprus Permanent Residence

Become A Permanent Resident Of Cyprus By Investment

Unlocking Cyprus’ Strategic Geographical Advantage: A Gateway to Thriving Business Opportunities

Cyprus Permanent Residence : Cyprus’ remarkable competitive edge stems from its strategic geographical location, a factor that has propelled the island into a bustling business epicenter. Within its borders lies a diverse range of investment prospects, particularly in pivotal sectors driving economic growth. Discover how Cyprus’ strategic positioning has paved the way for a flourishing business hub, presenting a plethora of enticing investment possibilities.

Acquiring property in Cyprus, either as an investment or as a second home, has  always been a popular choice among foreign investors. A combination of high  quality of life, year-round sunshine and natural beauty, ease of doing business and  investment incentives offer investors an attractive experience in terms of both  living and doing business.

  • Member of the EU and Euro zone
  • Strategic location at the crossroads of 3 continents (Europe, Asia and Africa)  Safe and secure environment
  • Attractive and significant international business center
  • Ability to obtain Permanent Residency / Citizenship for non-EU citizens through  the purchase of real estate
  • Low tax rates: Corporate (12.5%) Pensions for international (5%)
  • New “Non Dom” tax residency with only 60 days minimum stay requirement  Double taxation treaties with 60+ countries
  • Caters to 4 million tourists per year
  • High level of services including financial, medical, educational, telecommunications etc.  High standard but low cost living
  • Growth sectors and opportunities (Real Estate, Natural Gas, Tourism, Health,  Education and Shipping)
  • The recent natural gas discovery with be a game changer for the economy  Largest casino integrated resort in Europe
Cyprus Permanent Residence


Safest country in the world among small countries and 5th worldwide (2016)4th out of 144 countries  on higher education and  training (2016)Best relocation destination  in the world (2016)Double taxation agreements  with over 65 countries  worldwide (2019)
65  Blue  Flag  beaches- most per capita in the world  (2019)Days of sunshine throughout the yearPafos 2017- European Capital of Culture3.97 million recorded tourists  visited Cyprus in 2019

Cyprus Tax Incentives


  • Immovable Property Tax
  • Inheritance, Wealth and Gi Tax
  • On dividend income for non-Cypriots  On Widow’s pension
  • First €19.500 are exempt from personal income tax
  • Instead of 8%, zero property transfer fees on vatable properties


  • On foreign pensions, exemption of €3.417 is granted
  • A reduced VAT (5% from 19%) for main residence purchased


  • Corporate tax, one of the lowest in Europe

NON DOM Residence persons have high exemptions  from many taxes and rates for their Cyprus and  non-Cyprus income

Requirements And Conditions -Cyprus Permanent Residence

  1. Accelerated process (only 2 months) from the date of the submission of the application.
  2. No need to reside in Cyprus as long as the applicant and his family included in the  Immigration Permit, visit Cyprus at least once every two years.
  3. The applicant should be an owner of a property (sold for the first time by a development  company) in Cyprus, a house, an apartment or any other building, for a minimum value of €300.000 + VAT (if any).
  4. Also they can purchase of other types of real estate such as offices, shops, hotels or similar  developments or a combination of these with a total value of € 300,000. These properties  can also be second hand properties.
  5. The immigration permit issued to an applicant covers his spouse and children under the  age of 18. The said permit is also applicable for unmarried children aged 18 to 25 who may prove that they are  students at a University and are financially dependent on the  applicant. The said permit will be valid for life a er the age of 25 without any other  supportive document.
  6. Documentation as proof that the applicant and/or his spouse have a secured minimum  annual income of €30.000, (increase by €5,000 for each dependent person) from sources  originating from abroad (salaries, pensions, dividends, fixed deposits, rents a.s.o.).
  7. The parents of the main applicant and those of his spouse are also able to apply and  obtain the Permanent Residence Permit by just showing an extra 8,000 euros each on the  main applicant’s income certificate.
  8. The applicant and his family included in the Immigration Permit must submit with their  application, all documentation needed as per the checklists provided by the Cyprus  Government
  9. The applicant and his spouse shall confirm that they do not intend to be employed in  Cyprus but it is to be noted that the applicant and/or his spouse may be a shareholder(s)  in a Company registered in Cyprus and the income from the dividends of such a company  in Cyprus are not deemed an impediment for the purpose of obtaining an immigration  permit.

Cyprus Permanent Residence-Benefits

  • Cyprus Residence Permit is permanent and no need for future reconsideration. It is a lifetime permit.
  • Cyprus Permanent Residence applies to the entire family (parents, children, grandparents).
  • Cyprus Permanent Residents have the right (under certain conditions) to apply for a Cypriot passport  following their physical presence for a total of 5 years within a 7 year period.
  • Once the Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit is obtained the applicant and his family included in his Immigration permit will be entitled to apply for a Schengen Visa through any Schengen European Embassy.
  • It is very important to note that Cyprus is expected to enter the Schengen Zone soon.
  • Cyprus has a relaxed, stress-free lifestyle with the lowest crime rate in Europe
  • Cyprus has zero Inheritance, wealth, gi and immovable property tax
  • Cyprus offers an ideal family environment, enabling your children to benefit from excellent schools and universities while healthcare and infrastructure are all state-of-the-art
  • Cyprus is one of the most popular destinations for setting up companies with only a 12.5% corporate tax rate, and double taxation treaties with almost 65 countries
  • Risk free Freehold property ensures permanent property rights

Related: SGA World Cyprus